Well, first, just to make sure I have documentation of everything on the blog, we did take the at-home gender predictor test which said we are having a boy! We have some friends out here that it was accurate for, but my sister-in-law Sarah said she had 3 friends that all got boy results and had girls! So, we'll see...we should be able to have an ultrasound on Monday and find out, but we're cutting close to get to our plane in time!!
Today I kept having intense stabbing pains in the uterus area, and I had heard that heat can help. So I took a warm bath and was listening to classical music and the pain went away. After my bath I went to the kitchen to get a snack, and the pain came back even worse! I was trying to get a pear out of the bag and rinse it off and it was nearly impossible I was hurting so much. So, I got my pear and went back over to my classical music and the pain stopped. So as long as I'm here at the computer listening to music it's fine! I think little baby likes the music! :)
Home in TWO days!!!!!!! Today we're cleaning up everything so we have a nice place to return to! :)
Saturday, 18 December 2010
Saturday, 11 December 2010
Registry Update!
Note: the registry has changed slightly! We have now also registered at Babies-R-Us! And some items that WERE at Target are now on Babies because we were able to actually see them in person instead of rely on online reviews
So here is the link: http://www.toysrus.com/registry/search/index.jsp?_flowExecutionKey=_c55A854C3-6C08-AF3E-8E74-AE7AB41C9058_kF952C793-A56D-5E70-E56B-55C057179214&overrideStore=TRUS
[There are some items at the bottom of the registry that cannot be bought online--in stores only]
(Registery #46263604)
If you look for us without the link, remember that there are plenty of Sarah Jones! You can look in Monterey, CA or even possibly my maiden name (Below). It will be Sarah and Michael Jones in CA! Oo, the registry number makes it super easy! And that can be easily shared with people that don't have the blog.
And here's the Target link again: https://www.target.com/registry/baby/1UDO2O63QPWR8
(Registry ID #014399701461787)
Also, if you get something off the registry, please please please purchase it through the registry so it comes off the list and we don't have to deal with multiples! :) If you find the same item elsewhere for cheaper, just let us know and we'll remove it from the list so no one else gets it; we're all about bargains!
As for clothing, we have no reason to register before we know the gender, so that will come in time. Also, it's not something we're too picky about; baby clothes are cute in general! Speaking of, there are some things on the register that ARE gender specific--in some cases we picked the girl and boy version (sometimes just one), just so it's on there and we don't forget about it. We will update it after we know!
9 days until TN!!!!!
Sunday, 5 December 2010
So we just passed our four month mark! Today we are 16 weeks and 4 days--moving on up!
I meant to update every time we had an appointment, but this last one wasn't terribly eventful; I ad blood drawn (uck!), and we listened to the heartbeat for a few seconds, but Mike wasn't able to be there and it was pretty quick.
I believe Bitty is growing and moving--sometimes I'm not sure if I feel movement or not, but this morning it felt like a fish swimming around in my belly for a second so I believe that was baby! I also had a dream last night that we were taking a home test to find out the gender and it was undeniably a boy! But we are getting so close to that time that we should be able to know soon!!
Also, we started registering for stuff at Target! http://www.target.com/registry/baby/1UDO2O63QPWR8
(Also Registry ID: 014399701461787)
We've just started browsing around, so there will probably be items added with time; some things we want to go see in stores before registering for!
My friend Vanessa that lives in our apartment complex has a baby heartbeat monitor so we recorded the little bitty for you all to hear! (PS...sorry to disappoint, but it looks like I have a bigger baby belly in this [after food and in the position I was sitting], but it IS on the way! And my body looks odd shaped and it took me awhile to realize the extra "lump" on my abdomen was my hand! :))
TN BOUND IN 15 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D CANNOT WAIT!
Thursday, 25 November 2010
Happy Thanksgiving!!
We decided that before I get stuffed with food for Thanksgiving (our friends are cooking a FIVE COURSE MEAL!!--The fourth course being traditional Thanksgiving food!! :-0), we should get a picture of little bitty and his/her bump on mommy!
HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! :-D We know what we're thankful for this year! :)
Tuesday, 9 November 2010
Bitty Jones' Rhythm
Today we are 12 weeks and 6 days--one day shy of our second trimester! And we got to hear the little heartbeat! :) When Dr. Walker first put the little machine up to my stomach (note: not belly YET! Still stomach.) it took him a minute to move it around and find the little one, and then apparently him and Mike heard the heartbeat and I was sitting there anticipating when it was going to start. Little did I know that you don't hear the "ba bump, ba bump" I'm used to, but "woosh, woosh." With that knowledge, I was able to finally hear that there is in fact a live beat there! (Though when we listen to the recording now I still have to have Mike point out to me when it starts.)
Today we are 12 weeks and 6 days--one day shy of our second trimester! And we got to hear the little heartbeat! :) When Dr. Walker first put the little machine up to my stomach (note: not belly YET! Still stomach.) it took him a minute to move it around and find the little one, and then apparently him and Mike heard the heartbeat and I was sitting there anticipating when it was going to start. Little did I know that you don't hear the "ba bump, ba bump" I'm used to, but "woosh, woosh." With that knowledge, I was able to finally hear that there is in fact a live beat there! (Though when we listen to the recording now I still have to have Mike point out to me when it starts.)
I was worried I wouldn't be able to find our baby in an ultrasound picture (thanks to the trouble Rachel has in "Friends"), but I thought surely I would notice a heartbeat!
The pregnancy continues wonderfully--no sickness still, just a few slight headaches now and then (nothing a massage and a funny sitcom can't cure). My body has started to grow/make room for growth, but nothing noticeable on a day-to-day basis to passers-by. Of course, I obsess probably every day that I'm getting uncharacteristically fat (not due to baby), but it always subsides by the next morning (a big hip, hip, hooray for bloating!).
Next appointment comes in 3 weeks, but it will probably just be blood work so there may not be much to report, but belly growth may be popping any day now!
Monday, 25 October 2010
Hello Bitty!

2. On September 14, 2010, we went to the doctor and had her confirm (positive!).
3. On October 18th we had our first baby appointment and got this beautiful picture of Bitty Jones! (Or, "Squish" as Mike calls him.)
And I use "him" because 1. Mike is convinced it will be a boy, and 2. Everyone else we talk to "gets the feeling" it's a boy as well...except now Mamma Francis and Nana who apparently both think it's a girl! Well, as of today I'm about 10 weeks and 5 days along (the picture is of 9 weeks and 6 days), so about 9 weeks more until we can find out who is right!
So far this pregnancy has ROCKED! No sickness, no cravings, no food aversions, and no sensitivity to smells or anything else I was warned against! (Except possibly for the unfortunate activity of my intestines if you're catching my drift...and if you are, you may want to stay up-wind :) ) Mike was actually bummed that I wasn't feeling sick or growing because he was worried that maybe there wasn't actually a baby in there, or something was wrong, but everything looks great! So now that he has the confirmation with the picture he can appreciate my health and happiness with ease! :)
Our next appointment is November 9th and we'll go over my blood work to make sure everything looks okay (which reminds me...I really should get to the lab and get that done!), and hopefully get to hear the little heartbeat! We saw it beating on our ultrasound, but the doctor wanted to wait to try to hear it because he didn't know if it would be strong enough to hear yet. In my reading it seems that it should be pretty solid by 9 (definitely 10) weeks, but it gives us something to look forward to next time since he probably won't do another ultrasound at the next appointment.
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