2. On September 14, 2010, we went to the doctor and had her confirm (positive!).
3. On October 18th we had our first baby appointment and got this beautiful picture of Bitty Jones! (Or, "Squish" as Mike calls him.)
And I use "him" because 1. Mike is convinced it will be a boy, and 2. Everyone else we talk to "gets the feeling" it's a boy as well...except now Mamma Francis and Nana who apparently both think it's a girl! Well, as of today I'm about 10 weeks and 5 days along (the picture is of 9 weeks and 6 days), so about 9 weeks more until we can find out who is right!
So far this pregnancy has ROCKED! No sickness, no cravings, no food aversions, and no sensitivity to smells or anything else I was warned against! (Except possibly for the unfortunate activity of my intestines if you're catching my drift...and if you are, you may want to stay up-wind :) ) Mike was actually bummed that I wasn't feeling sick or growing because he was worried that maybe there wasn't actually a baby in there, or something was wrong, but everything looks great! So now that he has the confirmation with the picture he can appreciate my health and happiness with ease! :)
Our next appointment is November 9th and we'll go over my blood work to make sure everything looks okay (which reminds me...I really should get to the lab and get that done!), and hopefully get to hear the little heartbeat! We saw it beating on our ultrasound, but the doctor wanted to wait to try to hear it because he didn't know if it would be strong enough to hear yet. In my reading it seems that it should be pretty solid by 9 (definitely 10) weeks, but it gives us something to look forward to next time since he probably won't do another ultrasound at the next appointment.
It's totally a girl - look at that - she's already posing for the photos!