Sunday, 5 December 2010


So we just passed our four month mark! Today we are 16 weeks and 4 days--moving on up!

I meant to update every time we had an appointment, but this last one wasn't terribly eventful; I ad blood drawn (uck!), and we listened to the heartbeat for a few seconds, but Mike wasn't able to be there and it was pretty quick.

I believe Bitty is growing and moving--sometimes I'm not sure if I feel movement or not, but this morning it felt like a fish swimming around in my belly for a second so I believe that was baby! I also had a dream last night that we were taking a home test to find out the gender and it was undeniably a boy! But we are getting so close to that time that we should be able to know soon!!

Also, we started registering for stuff at Target!
(Also Registry ID: 014399701461787)

We've just started browsing around, so there will probably be items added with time; some things we want to go see in stores before registering for!

My friend Vanessa that lives in our apartment complex has a baby heartbeat monitor so we recorded the little bitty for you all to hear! (PS...sorry to disappoint, but it looks like I have a bigger baby belly in this [after food and in the position I was sitting], but it IS on the way! And my body looks odd shaped and it took me awhile to realize the extra "lump" on my abdomen was my hand! :))

TN BOUND IN 15 DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-D CANNOT WAIT!

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