Wednesday, 27 July 2011

2 months

Well, little Zoe has put up with us for 2 whole months!

She's definitely growing and becoming more alert. She sees very well--the doctor said her vision range is about 18 inches, but I know she can see further because she watches me walk around the room and responds to me smiling at her from further than 18 inches. She loves when I read to her, and she has great babble conversations. Today at her doctor appointment I was playing with a toy in front of her, and she started reaching for it to play, so it looks like I'll be getting her stuff to play with! And she has grown and finally broken the 10-pound mark! Today she weighed in at 10lbs 7oz, and 23.5 in (which puts her at 25% for weight, and 80% for height). Two weeks ago she was at 9lbs 3oz and 22.5 in (20th & 65th percentile). Of course, the doctor says she's a bit too skinny for her height, but I'm not concerned--she's still gaining weight, and have you seen her dad?! :) And she had vaccines today! She did scream, but only for a little bit until she realized it was done and she survived.

She started getting on a sleeping schedule, but lately it's been iffy. I don't know if she's not getting enough to eat or what, but she's been up a lot of the night constantly wanting to eat so it's been driving me a little bit (or a lot bit) crazy. I'm going to try a few things to make sure my milk supply is up, and hopefully she'll get back on a sleeping schedule for my sanity.

She's already experienced a lot of travel! We moved from California to Texas (which she was awesome for!), and took a trip to Wisconsin (also did awesome--her first time on a plane!). And, before the end of the year we'll be moving yet again.

She's almost always a super happy baby, but possibly has issues with reflux (which she got some medicine for and that seems to be helping). She also started to laugh for me a bit! But she only did it a few times, and has not done it since, but she was that way with smiling, so I'm sure it won't be too long before she's laughing all the time! And...I'm sure there's more...but I was typing this while she was napping and she woke up so I'm trying to think of what I want to say while entertaining her and trying to keep her from kicking the computer (which I'm not very successful at), so I think I'll end in here!

2 months:

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