So we got a bit behind on the blog! And I almost decided to just skip it because I post all her pictures on Facebook, but then realized I don't really put what she's up to and not everyone has Facebook. So here we are again!
3 months: At 3 months she was 23.5 inches and 10.4 lbs
We moved her playpen to out in the living room so I could start getting her to sleep through the night. I realized she was just really waking up out of habit, so I would pick a time (about 4 hours after she went to bed) that would be an acceptable time to eat (if I didn't pay close attention to the time I would really just feed her whenever she woke up). If she woke up before that time, I would let her alone and awake for 5 minutes before I went in to just talk to her to put her back to sleep. Then I just kept adding time until I would go see her again. So the first night I had to go in 3 times, the second night 2, then only 1 the third night. She would still wake up to eat about 1-2 times, but she was able to put herself back to sleep really well.
She also started getting interested in the food we were eating. I was eating corn on the cob once and she grabbed it and started sucking on it!
And she rolled over! First from her stomach to her back, then a few days later from her back to her stomach. Then once she could roll from her back to her stomach, she seemed to enjoy it and didn't roll back for a little while.
Zoe and I went on a trip to visit Atlanta, GA and Knoxville, TN and she loved getting to see so many people and went swimming for the first time (which she just loved!).
4 months: She was 25.75 inches and 19 lbs 9 oz
Zoe started sleeping through the night! She goes to bed around 8pm, then wakes up at 8am and it's awesome! On rare occasions she would wake up at 5 or 6, but I would just feed her and she would go back to sleep.
We started adding some rice cereal to her bottles because she seem incredibly hungry all the time! And we've discovered that she loves salty things and especially loved sucking on french fries. We only let her do that once, though.
Zoe got to go on a little road trip to College Station to visit with all her cousins and she loved all that attention. :)
She really loves to "talk" now and we have full baby-babble conversations!
5 months: 25.5 inches and 13 lbs 5oz
She's pretty awesome. And her sleep habits are great! She wakes up around 8 (or when the sun comes up which has been around 8:20 lately), naps from 11-2, then 4-5, and goes to sleep around 8pm!
She has continued to visit all over, and this time we went to Augusta, GA to see our new house being built and finish picking out stuff for it (which, it turns out, is especially difficult when you only have tiny swatches to look at!). We should be closing on the house on December 9th and we are THRILLED! One of many reasons it will be so great is because Zoe will finally have her own room! We moved her playpen back in our room so we don't have to worry about being so quiet in the living room while she's sleeping. But it's okay because she sleeps pretty soundly through the night. Some nights she wakes up and I hear her talking to her toys and playing, but she goes back to sleep on her own.
And she's officially moving all over the place! She "Army crawls" right now, but when she sees something she wants, she books it and gets there so fast! I realized I have to be careful leaving her alone for any amount of time because she will very quickly get into anything!
But she's a sweet little girl and she's so well behaved. Oh, and she has possibly started teething! I thought maybe an ear infection was coming on because she kept pulling at her ear, but her doctor said it's likely teething. And she does gnaw on her hands and toys a lot. And drool. And sometimes she just holds her hand on her jaw (it's actually quite adorable).
For people not on Facebook, here are links to Zoe albums: