Zoe has been making so much progress! A couple of weeks ago she started responding to light and my voice which was really cool! I was reading for my lit class, and decided I would read out loud to her. Well, I started getting tired of reading out loud, so I would stop and read to myself. But every time I did that she started kicking until I would read out loud again! It was so cute. So then I decided to test her with light: I got a really bright flashlight and shone it on my belly and she started kicking and hitting it. I moved it around a little (still in the same general area), and she would hit it wherever I moved it. And she did that until I guess she got tired of it and I felt a big move when I suppose she rolled over or moved further back or something because I couldn't feel her right up close anymore and she stopped kicking! Since then I've only tried the light on her one or two times because she does not seem to care for it! :)
Then we had a doctor appointment and took another ultrasound peek at her to confirm that we do indeed have a little girl!! And no other names have come up, so Zoe is looking positive. But still no middle name. And I haven't really been thinking of any, so maybe it will come to us some time in the next four months!
Oh, and the other day (as well as today) she was especially dancy and RIGHT up againt me so we could definitely feel her--not just when she moved, we could just feel my belly and feel her! It was awesome! We don't know for sure what we were feeling, but I think it was her head, and Mike thinks it was her butt. But it was just good to feel her. And since then she's been up close like that a few times. And we talk to her, and using certain tones make her move! (usually just annoying voices I do make her kick.) Also, sometimes she's moving around so much it looks like my belly is boiling--like lots of bubbles under my skin!
Time has still felt like it's dragging on! We hit 24 weeks on Wednesday, and it made me realize that when we were back home for Christmas (which had seemed like awhile ago), we were at 20 weeks--only 4 have gone by since then!! But classes start on Monday so that should help. And my friend Vanessa is due in 3 weeks so that should be a good distraction!
Until then, Zoe keeps growing, and I keep growing (just not quite as fast as her yet). We didn't take a new picture this week because there hasn't really been a change, but here are our 23 week pictures!